A Culture Of Ownership, Pride And Caring
The Santa Cruz Center model replicates the open-door mission of the American Community College, and the commitment to holding a place for all at this shared table of higher education. Advisors accommodate student schedules with flexible hours. Student Services personnel greet everyone who enters the Center. We have an open door policy and advisors work around students’ schedules.
Students at the Santa Cruz Center are truly engaged whether it’s face-to-face, video conferencing, online learning or participating in community service. The Santa Cruz Student Coalition plays an important role in connecting and engaging students. Through college and community activities, students provide service to their community while building skills for a successful future.
Students and faculty know each other and their families. Many students come from local high schools where they were involved in academic and extra curricular activities for many years.
Instructors are from the area and therefore have a deep understanding of local values and traditions. They play a role in student engagement building relationships with students through coordinated activities.
The governing board and staff are grateful to serve Santa Cruz County and always interested in hearing from students and residents.
The best of two worlds
The culture at the Santa Cruz Center reflects the larger bi-national community. Referred to as Ambos Nogales, the communities of Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, México comprise the largest international border community in Arizona. With a combined population of 177,732 inhabitants, students enjoy the best of the United States and Mexico.
Ambos Nogales is an easy, friendly and relaxed two-nation region. Being a student at the Santa Cruz Center provides a unique opportunity to learn the languages, cultures and traditions from both Mexico and the United States. The flow of people, goods and great ideas distinguishes the region and prepares students for the global economy.
Students share their cultures, heritages and identities as well as the local values of quality, integrity, diversity, professionalism, family and overall great customer service.